With Jewellers.Live, you can start a Jewellery Savings Plan at the store

To enrol a New Customer for a Jewellery plan:

Go to the left side of the Navigation bar. Under Jewellery Plans, click on Customer Plans

From the Dashboard, click on Start Jewellery Plans or press Ctrl + E


Enter Customer Phone No. and verify using the OTP sent to Customer’s Phone No.

Specify customer details such as Full Name, Email, Date of Birth, Address, State, Pin Code, Referred by (If the Customer is already registered, after verification his/her details will automatically fill-up)

Click on Next to continue


In Choose Plan and Amount Page, choose Plan Type, SIP Amount and click on Pay Installment to continue


You will be taken to the Payment Page, enter the necessary Payment details and Save

Congratulations 🎉! the customer has been enrolled to the Investment Plan